Shopping Cart Discounts

From Spiffy Stores Knowledge Base

Revision as of 06:56, 12 October 2010 by Shawn (talk | contribs)

A Shopping Cart Discount allows you to provide discounted prices for selected items, based upon the items that the customer has added to their shopping cart.

This allows you to create special offers in your online store that apply to all products, products in specific collections, orders over a certain amount, or custom product combinations. Combining them with custom collections also allows you to create complex discount rules.

You can create special rules to discount specific products based on whether another product is in your cart, so that if the required items have been added to your cart, the special offer item can be added to the cart at its discounted price.

No Coupon or Promotion codes are required for the customer to take advantage of the discount.

Creating Shopping Cart Discounts

To create a shopping cart discount, go to the Marketing >> Shopping cart discounts and follow the instructions below:

1. Click the "Add a Shopping Cart Discount Rule" link

2. Type in a description of the discount. This descrioption is displayed in your cart, so make sure it means somehting to your customer.

3. Select the type of discount. it can be either a percntage discount, a flat amount discount, a free shippping discount, or you can choose to use the "discount price" of a product that's available on the product edit screen.

4. Enter the amount of your discount.

5. Choose the date range of your discount. For example - if you just want the discount to apply for the next two weeks, click the "deactivated" link and choose a date 2 weeks from today.
